
To reduce unemployment globally by focusining on specific localized regions and specific localized high-impact projects.

We believe by living out our lives through God’s design and in relationship with God, we can resolve economic problems and increase the success rate of life goals for individuals globlaly.

Biblical Alignment:

We uphold the Lordship of Jesus Christ and sovreignty of God in both our personal lives and in every aspect of our work and social interactions. We uphold the Bible as God’s Word and specifically reference the following truths as the founding principles of our mission:

Something about: u0 is inspired by and gudined by God’s truth as revealed in the Biblical text.

Why Machakos, Kenya?

Wish I could say we did a stufy of global communitys - Onset of forming u0 my wife and I were serving on board… mission to childrens home in Kenya - kids graduated and even whent to college - could not find work. So goal was to improve economy in region where these young adults were stuggling. Realized we could make a difference! Never asked “why kenya”… but I asked why NOT Machakos, Kenya?